
Things You Don't Need To Know About Me

In way of introduction, here are some random things about Jenness Walker, author and housecleaner extraordinaire. Or just eccentric. After you read the list you can take your pick.

1. I like to clean things with toothpicks. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to be able to clean out that impossible-to-reach bit of dust or crumbs out of the air conditioner or whatever.

2. I can hurt myself with just about anything. (Unintentionally, of course.) A hang-nail. A steamer. A music stand. A jacuzzi. An earbud...

3. I read. All. The. Time. While I walk the dog. While I fold the laundry. While I eat. While I shower. While I brush my teeth. I cannot, however, read while vaccuuming. Just haven't been able to figure out a good system for that particular activity.

4. I had a mention, if not an honorable one, in a bad poetry writing contest. Not as in morally bad or anything. Just as in, really terrible poetry.

5. I used to have a crush on Conway from Five Mile Creek.

6. Whenever I vacuum or mop, I usually end up sticking my tongue between my back teeth. The right side.

7. I avoid crowds if I can, but on Black Friday, I LOVE going to one of the biggest malls in America. Is there something wrong with that picture?

8. My great-great-grandfather was very vain about his feet. Whatever that means.

9. I prefer Miracle Whip over mayonaisse. Must be my sweet tooth--I can eat spoonfuls of sugar, although I try to refrain.

10. I bought my car off Ebay. If you saw it, you probably wouldn't be surprised. I'll have to post a picture of it sometime.

So there...my first blogspot blog. An odd introduction to me. Happy Weekend, everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenness!

Haha, your grandfather was vain about his feet?! I was cracking up at that one! :)