
My Carol Award Finalist Speech

The ACFW conference awards banquet was held last night. I didn't win in my category, but some of my friends won in theirs. SO COOL! I'll post a list of winners when I can find an official list. And I'll write about our mini banquet at home while we kept up with the live blog. But for now, since all the thank yous still apply, I thought I'd post the speech I didn't have to give...with a few tweaks to fit the occasion. :-) So, deep breath. Here we go.

As much as I miss being at the conference, giving speeches by proxy is the way to go. So first I want to thank the classy lady who can share my words without needing a water bottle to get her through without breaking down. Tamela, you’re a wonderful agent and a blessing. Thank you.

Thank you, Emily Rodmell, for seeing potential in my work long before I sent you something publishable. Thanks for patiently showing me how to make Double Take better. It’s a pleasure working with you.

Thank you, Cathy West, for being the best critique buddy. You’re stuck with me forever, because who else can offer free lodging in Bermuda?

There is something amazing about the bonds between Christian writers. Those who mentor, critique, encourage, and promote; offer a listening ear, prayer support, and friendship. There are too many of you in my life to list, but know that I appreciate you more than words can say.

Thank you, contest coordinators and judges for all your hard work. I’m so glad to be part of this incredible group, and so honored to be a finalist.

The coolest thing about Double Take being a finalist is that you all helped it happen. Not only through the things you taught at past conferences and the questions you answered on the loop, but through the Genesis contest feedback. Two years ago my judges helped take this very story to the next level. So a big thank you goes to Gina Welborn and the others who judged the entry called Déjà Vu.

Finally, thank You, Heavenly Father, for the stories You’ve planted in each of our hearts. Use them to draw us and our readers closer to You.

1 comment:

Ava Pennington said...

God has given you a gift - the gift of using words for our good and His glory. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!