
Confession Session - Sundays

I love Christian fiction. I really do.

I love that they're clean. That words I'd rather not have as part of my vocabulary won't worm their way into my mind as I read them in the text. That the romance is focused on love, not lust. That the deeper meaning to life comes across. That there is always hope, no matter what genre I'm reading.

But one thing I don't love about Christian fiction is the Sunday sermon. I don't know why, but I always end up skimming those sections or even skipping them altogether.

In fact, I think because I don't like to read them, I don't like to write them, so most of the time I actually forget about Sundays when I'm writing. Which--considering the fact that I try to avoid conducting business on Sundays and try to work the same into my books--can make for some pretty interesting editing as I pull out a calendar and put Sundays back in.

What is one thing you love about Christian fiction? Or one thing you don't?


Ava Pennington said...

The ACFW September course just concluded 8 lessons on how to weave faith into fiction without the preachy Sunday sermons. Good stuff!

Cynthia A. Lovely said...

I love reading a Christian novel and closing the book at the end feeling like I have drawn closer to God. That something in the story resonated in my heart and soul and reminded me of God's grace and mercy.
I don't love how some books are so filled with conflict that you can't catch your breath.
I understand conflict is what makes the story but I'm talking the over the top stuff that isn't believable. For example, a book that started with about three major tragedies within the first few pages. I didn't get much farther because I couldn't relate to it.