
Pic of the Week

So, I'm trying to get back into the blogging world. For the millionth time, I know. But I'm thinking if I allow myself to not write an entire chapter for each blog entry, maybe I'll keep up with it for once.
Introducing: the Pic of the Week! Some might call it cheating, but if it works... :-)


I have a typewriter fetish. So when I found this cutie while hunting for a Kindle case, I couldn't resist!

Oh, and yes, I have a Kindle. No, I will not completely convert. Ever. I have mixed feelings about it. But that's a blog for another day. Maybe one where I don't even have to cheat. :-)

1 comment:

Ava Pennington said...

I'm still trying to decide: Kindle or iPad or another brand of tablet or Kindle and iPad or another tablet or netbook and Kindle or...nothing 'cause I'm experiencing paralysis by analysis! :-p