
Happy New Year

The new year is here already, and, as always, that's hard for me to believe. I celebrated with some friends--eating lots of food and talking and watching an old home video my best friend and I made. Scary stuff, let me tell ya.

And speaking of scary stuff...Earlier in the evening, I was feeding a friend's fish. (I think the fishies did survive. They're tough dudes.) Anyway, here I am in this dark house at night after watching a stupid, somewhat scary movie. In that scary movie, if you heard thump...thump...thump...someone was probably about to die. So there I am, dark house, all alone, and I hear thump...thump...thump...As I reach for my cell phone to call my husband, I realize it's only fireworks...But I called him anyway. Just in case.

So that was my New Year's Eve. Since then, I've been cleaning my house. Yes. A shocker. I actually dusted the blinds. The Christmas stuff is put away. A few more things on my to-do list, and then the house will be ready...to breed dust-bunnies once again as I sink into the couch and stare at my computer screen, telling myself only one more game of solitaire before I dive into the revisions I have to do.

Because yes, 2009 will be a year of changes to me. I mean, I have all my lists of goals and resolutions and plans to lose weight, exercise more, write more, save more, buy a decent car, pray for a bigger house, use all my stationary, etc. But something else will be significantly different.

I'm expecting.

Hey, I had to say it. I've been asked so many times...

Anyway, yes, I'm expecting. I'm due in October. But my child will be small and rectangular and...for sale. lol.

So the first change in my life is an official deadline. Don't think it'll be a problem--I was never late on school assignments unless I'd forgotten about it. Somehow I don't see me forgetting this deadline.

But there are other things I am a bit worried about. Like, say, marketing. And building a loyal readership. Which means almost all of my New Year's Resolutions can be summed up in one...To become more disciplined. I've prayed for that to happen, and it seems kind of like praying for patience. Here's something Oswald Chambers said: God will not discipline us, we must discipline ourselves.

So...here goes nothing...

1 comment:

Catherine West said...

So how often do you update this thing??