
Happy Valentine's Day

Apparently we need to have more holidays, since that’s the only time I actually blog. But anyway. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d give an outline of Jason and Jenness Walker’s love story. I think it’s kind of fun, but then, it’s my life.

1. We lived next door as babies, but have no memories of that.

2. Which means my first memory of Jason was in his home in FL after they moved away. (Our parents remained friends.) I despised going to the Walker house, because that meant my brothers and Jason and his brother went into the boys’ room and hung out, barring me from entering. So I was stuck in the living room with a keyboard to keep me company. On one visit—I was probably 10 or so—Jason and my brother Anthony condescended to join me in the living room for a few minutes. I was wearing my favorite dress, and Jason looked at me and said, “You look pretty.” I was in mid-blush when he added, “Pretty ugly.” Chortle, snort. He and Anthony walked away laughing, and I hated him for years.

3. And then he moved to town as a high school junior. I pretty much ignored him until we went on a missions trip to Mexico together. And there, watching over the twinkling city lights of Saltillo, we fell in love. Well, I did, anyway. Jason was too busy flirting with the other girls and passing messages through my best friend that he couldn’t date me.

4. Which obviously wasn’t the case, since we were inseparable for months afterward and then started dating. The truth is, he was scared of my dad. Poor fella.

5. We lasted for a year, then I broke up with him the summer before I became a senior. I didn’t want to, but felt like I needed to. (He still razzes me about that.)

6. Soon thereafter, I was ready to get back together. I told him in a fish store. He basically told me, not if you were the last woman on earth.

7. I don’t like fish stores.

8. But I had a dream—it said I was the only girl he could ever marry for love. Apparently some of my dreams come true. Terrifying thought.

9. We finally became friends again. Good friends. In fact, no one would ask me out because they thought Jason and I were more than friends. Which became rather aggravating, since he insisted that we weren’t and never would be.

10. So I went to a wedding. Met a fascinating guy. Actually asked for his email address. Came home and talked about him. A lot. I finally got an email from him—kind of a form letter thing saying he’d changed his email address and here’s his new one. Then, at the end, there was a P.S. that said, “Oh, by the way, this is really Jason…”

11. It’s dangerous to have a computer guru guy. You’ve been warned.

12. I got fed up with Jason. He didn’t want to date me but didn’t want anyone else to, either. So I decided to go out of town to a youth convention. Maybe I’d meet a few nice guys there, without Jason hovering.

13. Jason tagged along.

14. After I finally accused him of “acting like you like me!!!!”—figured that would get him to run for cover—he looked me in the eye and said simply, “I do.”

15. In 2003, we both said, “I do.”

So...what's your love story?


Holly said...

Think I met you guys sometime after #9. I remember how you two were always hanging out, just as "friends." Do you remember Jason riding on the hood of his car when we drove around, so he wouldn't break dorm rules?! He was so totally stuck on you, but he kept flirting with other girls, as if! I also remember a certain someone announcing her engagement on April Fool's Day, me tearing up, and then her laughing...grrr! Still haven't forgiven you for that! Then I remember huddling at the window in the CEC, shamelessly spying on you two when Jason saw you for the first time in your wedding dress, awwww! Love you both!

Christina Tarabochia said...

What a sweet story! Hey, if you only blog every so often, might as well make 'em good! :-)

Betsy St. Amant said...

SO PRECIOUS!! Love this story. And you told it so great. lolol "I don't like fish stores". hahahaha