
Goals and Resolutions and Other Bad Words

Okay, I'm kidding about the bad words. And I'm such a list-aholic that I love this part of coming to a new year. Looking at the clean slate of the coming twelve months, thinking of all the possibilities...It's like a fresh notebook with a really cool cover. What should I fill it with? So of course I have some goals and resolutions and projects and whatever else--they all just kind of run together. I figured I'd share some and maybe that'll motivate me enough to actually do them, instead of just looking over that pretty notebook and tucking it away to use...sometime. :-)

So here we go. First, here is my reading-related list.

1. Keep track of the books I read this year. Write them down. Maybe do more reviews. I have no idea how many books I read on average in a year, so I'd love to find that out.

2. Read a one-year devotional. All the way through. One day at a time. Maybe this year will be the year I actually do that.

3. Read at least six non-fiction books. I know, I know. I'm such a shallow person. But seriously, most of them are hard for me to motivate myself to get through. And no, the one-year devotional won't count here. :-)

4. Do an inventory of the books I own. I've loaned out so many I don't even know what I have any more.

And I think that's it for this category. Any suggestions of things I should add? Books that are must-reads? Do you have any reading-related resolutions?


Georgiana Daniels said...

I'm with you--non-fic is a great sleep aide. Hee hee. One of my goals this year is to actually read less :O That's because it's the only place in my schedule to cull a few hours per week to accomplish other things. When I was keeping track I used Shelfari.

Catherine West said...

Okay, the list thing is a good idea. Reading non-fiction? Ugh. I'm with you. Snore. But I think it's good to broaden the horizons once in a while so maybe I should try it too. And the devotional...yeah...need to do that too.

Hi from Ruth! said...

Hi there -
I'm new to your blog. I found it because the name of my blog is similar to yours. It appears that we also have in common a love for reading.

Anyway, I'm enjoying your blog!

Happy New Year.

Ruth Branson

Ava Pennington said...

If you don't get to the one-year devotional this year, you could always start next January. I just happen to know of a really great one that will be out just in time! :-)