
Resolutions Round 3

Here are some more odds and ends. If I stretch blogging about my goals over a long enough time, maybe I'll keep them longer. :-)

1. Finish listening to The Bible Experience audio Bible.

2. Exercise three times a week.

3. Lose 15 pounds. (Of course.)

4. Blog once a week at least. (How many years has this been on my list?)

5. Organize our favorite recipes into a cookbook.

6. Finish decorating the rooms we repainted last summer.

7. Organize my emails. (I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it.)

8. Reorganize the files, cabinets, etc.

And I think that's the last of it. So much for keeping the list short and focused, as someone suggested. Maybe with a bit of accountability, I'll be able to mark most of these off this December.

1 comment:

Georgiana Daniels said...

Those are really good goals! I love the cookbook idea. I did one for my sister when she got married by collecting all the family recipes. As to the blogging...what's holding you back? LOL, you've got peeps :D