
Happy Authors' Day!

The lovely president of ACFW, Cynthia Ruchti, tweeted about ways to celebrate National Authors' Day. With permission, I'm sharing her suggestions here. :-) Have fun!

1. Hug a bookshelf and thank the Lord for the authors who wrote so you could read.

2. Go to the author's publisher's website and leave a comment about a favorite book.

3. Write a note (the handwritten kind) to three favorite authors...and let them know you're praying for them.

4. Look at Christmas list. Cross off silly things. Substitute with books. Purchase immediately! :)

5. Enjoyed an author's book? Buy one for a friend...and let the author know why you did.

6. Moved by something an author DID in addition to what he/she wrote? Say so.

7. Stop in at your local bookstore just to say, "My favorite authors are..." and thank the retailer for stocking their books.

8. Spend some time alone with the Author and Finisher of our faith.

9. Tell an author, "I'm someone who knows it's a 'real' job. Thanks!"

10. Defy procrastination! Post a review in a prominent spot(s). Your fave author will be grateful you did!

11. Some author you know is fighting discouragement in writing, family, or career. Make a difference. Pray.


Holly said...

To my favorite author: I love the way you use your incredible talent for God. I love the way you weave hope into every story. I love your tenacity in sticking with such a difficult, misunderstood, and deeply personal profession. I love the way that you stay true to what you believe, in your stories and otherwise. Thanks, and keep 'em coming!

jenness said...

Okay, that so wasn't my intention by posting this list. lol. But thank you so much, Holly. I'll treasure this.