
If You Had To Choose...

Obviously, reading is something I think about maybe a little too much. Sometimes my husband catches me gazing at my bookshelf and likes to make fun of me. Usually I have a reason--I'm trying to decide which books to take to someone who's asking for something to read, or I'm trying to decide what I want to read next. Plus, they're just so beautiful... :-)

Anyway, if you had to choose your top five favorite books--of all time, or over the last year or two--which ones would make your list? I'll narrow it down for you--they have to be fiction, and they can't be Double Take because I'll know you're just trying to win a prize if I give one out. :-)

I honestly don't know if I can do this. Just five? So if you have more than five, feel free to go a little overboard. :-) Maybe you guys will add to my must-read list.


Tonya said...

ANYTHING by Karen Kingsbury!!!

Linda said...

Leota's Garden by Francine Rivers
Color the Sidewalk for Me by Brandilyn Collins
Adam by Ted Dekker
A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick
Roots by Alex Haley

Holly said...

This is impossible, just so you know!
1- Beauty, by Robin McKinley
2- The Dead Don't Dance by Charles Martin
3- Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley
4- Cheney Duvall Series by Gilbert Morris
5- Madman by Tracy Groot
Ahh, this is awful, but if I don't stop I'll be doing this all day! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hard to list just 5 but here's ones I re-read
1.Gone With The Wind
2. Mirror Image-Sandra Brown
3. Twice Loved-LaVeryl Spencer
4. Shanna-Kathleen Woodiwiss
5. Bertrice Small's O'Mally series

Christiana said...

Assuming you mean books you've already read? Because if I were going somewhere that I wouldn't have access to more, I'd probably take two faves and three never-reads just to give me something to spark the imagination.

Top 5 Favorite Books I've Read:
(this is going to be hard!)

1. Marcia Schuyler by Grace Livingston Hill
~ without a doubt it's my favorite book ever. Books today are so fast-paced, with their action-packed plots and unraveling mysteries. Not that that's a bad thing, it's not. But nobody takes it slow and easy anymore, where every page is like a flea market. Chock full of little gems and finds that you have to stop and admire and turn over in your hands before moving on. In this case, having only five books for an unspecified amount of time, Grace would be the perfect companion to pass the time pleasantly away.

Sisterchicks Do The Hula by Robin Jones Gunn ~ Robin is my all-time favorite current author. She rocks my socks off, and she's been doing that since I was a young girl reading the Christy Miller series. The Sisterchick novels appeal to my more grown-up self, dealing with issues of friendship, forgiveness, and world travel in as humorous a way as possible. I love all the Sisterchick books, but Hula is set in Hawaii, and who doesn't want to escape to Hawaii for a little while?

Grace In Thine Eyes by Liz Curtis Higgs ~ Speaking of escaping through the pages of a book, nobody takes you to another place as easily as Liz. Set in the Scotland, her historical series comes off so completely authentic that you are literally transported to the Highlands the minute you crack the cover. I loved all four books in this series, but Davina's character really spoke to me above and beyond the rest.

And here's where it gets tricky...
I'd like to say one of Erynn Mangum's books because I just love her, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to put it down and then I'd rush through it too quickly. Still, if I could take one book I haven't read yet, I'd pick Cool Beans, because I'm dying to get my hands on it.

If not, I'd choose Baby Island by Carol Ryrie Brink ~ even though it's a children's book. I read it as a little girl and loved it, and I've been wanting to read it again for a while. And since it's about two little girls that get stranded on a desert island, maybe it'd even come in handy.

And last, but certainly not least, I'd have to say The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Though it needs to explination, no book has charmed my heart and warmed my soul like the story of Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter Pevensie and their journey to the world of Narnia.

Whew! That wasn't as painful as I thought!