
Quote for the Week

There are some truly amazing writers out there. Not just in their work, but just in who they are. Rachel Hauck is one of those people. I've learned a lot from her, especially when it comes to being surrendered to God in your writing and in your life. Here's a great quote from her:

"You can't write about what you don't have in yourself. The spiritual journey of a character is often the fragrance of God in and on the author. If you aren't going deep in God, spending time at His feet, praying, worshipping, fellowshipping with others, your spiritual message will be flat. Always. Your message will feel forced and tacked on."

She was referring to writing, but it relates to how we live, as well. If you don't have your own growing relationship with God, how can you tell others about Him? It'll be forced. Unbelievable. Forgettable.

I want my life and my writing to have that fragrance of God. But that's not going to happen unless I'm continually in touch with Him. Something to think about...


Georgiana Daniels said...

I love this quote! You know, it's kind of been in the back of my mind, but never really expressed--but so true how the characters' spiritual journey is a reflection of ours. Lots to think on today.

Holly said...

Beautiful post, Jenness! Definitely something I'll think about for a while...