
My Hero

A while back I asked what you loved about your own personal hero. Well, today is my hero's birthday, so I figure it's my turn to talk about him. So here are a few things that I adore about my husband:

1. I never have to fill up the gas tank. Seriously. How spoiled am I? And he knows I hate to drive, so on trips he's at the wheel while I relax and pick the music. If I have to go somewhere I haven't been before, he'll sit me down with google earth and walk me through every turn. And I don't think it's JUST because he wants his truck to come back home.

2. He makes up songs and stories, does different voices and styles and makes me laugh so hard I'm almost crying. I guess we need to have children just so someone else can truly appreciate his "Blacky the Green Dragon" tales when they can't sleep.

3. He is so amazingly talented. I didn't have a form for potential suitors to fill out during my dating years, but looking back, I think I would have put website designer as a necessity on the application. :-) It's fun to watch him create, and to see how he uses his talent to help others. And he makes sure my computer and whatever other gadgets I need are in working order.

4. He believes my love language is gifts, so there has been more than one trip where he had a gift and/or a card for me to open every single day.

5. He takes my writing seriously. Insists on sending me to conferences even when we can't really afford it. Talks out a certain aspect of the plot I'm struggling with. Tells me he's proud of me. Tells other people he's proud of me. And he actually read my debut novel without me asking him to.

There are many more things I love about him, of course, but he's going to kill me, and I don't want to freak his students out any more than I already have. :-) But he takes care of me, and he makes life fun. And he has a heart for God. I'd say I'm very lucky, but I'm not sure I believe in luck. So, thank you, God. Very, very much.

Happy Birthday, Jason. I love you. And even if Brogan's picture is on my computer background, you're my true hero. :-)


Ava Pennington said...

Happy birthday to Jason!
Gotta admit, he's kind of a hero to me, too...he's my website hero! :-)

Lisa Jordan said...

Awww, what a beautiful post, Jenness!!

And I just now found your blog. I'll have to catch up.

Holly said...

Awww! Love you both! (This might be the mushiest I've ever seen you, and I will use this against you later...)

Heidi Larson Geis said...

Jenness! I cannot believe it, but our husbands have the same birthday! Isn't that funny? Although if I had to guess, I would say my hubby is a good ten years older than yours. You know, I don't put any stock in the signs of the zodiac, but our husbands are eerily similar. With the exception of vocation (my husband is a pastor, but loves all things graphic design and often expresses a mild jealousy of his web designer friends) they are practically clones. Just last night I laughed until I cried. And yes, you need to share him with children...the great part is that they will get in on the act and your fun and laughter will multiply exponentially! I wish you could come to Seattle...I need a roomie and you are my favorite!