
How To Have A Good Marriage

Make sure he has enough coffee. That should do it.

Okay, I'm kidding. And I'm not really going to sit here and give you a bunch of marriage tips. My husband and I are doing great, thank the Lord, but I'm not exactly counselor material.

My parents got this idea last year. For Valentine's Day, they bought books on marriage for each couple in my immediate family. We were all supposed to read our books, then switch them out with someone else in the family when we were done.

Our first book was His Needs, Her Needs by Harley, Jr. It was interesting enough (for non-fiction...I know, I know. Shallow me.), but my husband decided I shouldn't read any more marriage books, as I kept asking him very random questions. We did discover, however, that neither of us had any interest in taxidermy. What a surprise.

We have a new book now. Haven't started it yet, since it's non-fiction and all. (If I keep saying that, you're going to lose all confidence in my character, aren't you.) The question is, is it worth it? When I could be devouring Susan May Warren's latest, or looking up the perfect picture to represent Brogan's heroine?

What marriage books have you read, especially from a Christian perspective? Which ones were worth the time? Which ones can I skip? :-)


Justin and Jennifer Harris said...

Love and Respect is a must for every Christian couple in my opinion! Also, the Five Love Languages and Personality Plus. Happy reading!

Linda said...

We are watching "Laughing your way to a better marriage" by Mark Gungor in our church. You do a LOT of laughing, but he hits you with the truth in a way that sticks with you. It opens up lots of communication in the marriage!

Ava Pennington said...

We've been married 31+ years, and we're doing great as well. Still, it's never a good idea to become complacent, so we both accepted the Love Dare challenge (from the movie Fireproof). Takes even a good marriage up a notch! I strongly recommend it!

J.Black said...

As a woman, I loved the book captivating. Its probably one of my favorite and its counterpart for men is Wild at Heart. I haven't read the latter but Robert and Jeremy both loved it. I have a stack of marriage books Ive been wanting to read but at present Im in the middle of a Mary Higgins Clark novel (I know I know, equally as shallow) :) Good luck to you!