
Dream Writing Room III

My sister-in-law says I'm cheating--that I'm taking the easy way out by posting pics and pretty much no content on my blog. But my husband is getting an office, so I guess this is me dreaming. And since pictures speak a thousand words, I figure I'm getting in a pretty good word count. So there. lol

These are just a couple fun organizing ideas. I think I got them from Better Homes and Gardens:

Honestly, though, my couch isn't so awful to write on. It would be nice to shut the door on my mess, however. I'd even be happy with a closet...

Especially a closet like this one!

Monday I'll probably post some decorating blog links that I like. I'd love to see some of your favorites, too! And then I promise I'll write a real blog post. If I make it boring enough, you might vote for pictures again. :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd love to see your favorite decorating blogs...I tend to be decoratively challenged, so seeing great ideas helps. =)