

So, I posted the list of the Carol Award finalists, and you might have noticed it happened to have my name on it. :-) Well, it also had a couple of special writers who have served as mentors to me, and so I thought I'd do a little shout-out to them and to others who have encouraged or strengthened my writing over the years.

1. Mr. Holden--My seventh grade teacher who wrote drilled prepositional phrases into me and once wrote a note at the top of my paper, saying that God needed a writer like me.

2. Mrs. Wright--My high school English teacher who wasn't stingy with praise but was definitely prepared to show me I hadn't arrived quite yet.

3. Daphne Hogstrom--My correspondence course teacher who didn't hate me for my procrastinating ways, taught me about POV shifts, and almost got invited to my wedding since she put up with me for so long.

4. Donna Fleisher--Published novelist and freelance editor who critiqued my first finished book-sized manuscript. I learned SO much from the notes in the margin and the four tapes she made explaining her thoughts and various rules, etc. She was such a vital part in taking me to the next level in my writing. AND she became a wonderful friend.

5. Susan May Warren (a Carol Award double finalist)--Though I'd written and rewritten my first manuscript and my rejection letters were getting nicer, I still hadn't landed an agent when I went to my first writers' conference. I was disappointed since Susan's editing slots had filled up. When she found that out, she took my first chapter (my WAY too long first chapter) and read through it during one of the meals, adding comments and then talking to me about it later. One the first page she wrote that I could definitely write, which is exactly the encouragement I needed then. Now, I'm involved in Susan's My Book Therapy organization, which has chats on Monday nights about the writing craft, holds retreats, has an ezine, etc. As far as mentors go, Susie's at the top of the pile. :-)

6. Rachel Hauck (a Carol Award finalist)--Rachel's also involved in My Book Therapy and taught at the retreat I went to in February. Rachel is the one who asked me to do the devotional at last year's conference and who encouraged me and prayed for me and offered to stand on the platform beside me when the nerves hit big-time. She talked to me about agents when I had questions. She looked over the first chapter of my most recent work-in-progress. She met Tracy and I for lunch and just talked writing and everything else.

7. Then there are all the contest judges, like Meredith Efken and Gina Welborn and many anonymous others who have been willing to volunteer their time to critique my contest entries and give me valuable feedback.

I'm sure I'm missing some, and, of course, there are all of my wonderful critique partners, but that's another post altogether. But I just wanted to thank you all so much for how you have helped me to grow as a writer. Thank you for all the time you've given, and for all the encouragement and wisdom and advice.

You are very appreciated.


Lisa Jordan said...

Mentors add heart to the art of writing. I wouldn't be this far in my career if mentors hadn't taken time from their own writing to guide me in the write (did that on purpose) direction.

Lovely shout outs, Jenness!

Susie May said...

thank you for the shout-out, Jenness!! I'm so proud of how far you've come! congratulations!!!! Big Hugs, Susie

Teri Dawn Smith said...

One word: Agreed!

Unknown said...

Jenness, um, I'm sorta freaking out that moment. Had a minor epiphany. Or maybe a major one: I haven't read Double Take . What's wrong with me?? I will be reading it. Soon. Very soon.

Oh, and loved your post by the way. Encouragers and mentors rock!

jenness said...

Lisa - I like that. It's poetic--mentors add heart to the art of writing.

Susie - Thank you. Big hugs back!!!

Melissa - You're a busy woman! Nothing's wrong with you. :-)