
Summer Days

So far this summer I:

1. Ate at my favorite Japanese restaurant with my parents, who were down to pick up another piano. My dad is the only one I know that puts a piano in the back of his van.

2. Did research for vacation and ran across this description of a room at a B&B: Small, intimate room with rats. And they didn't even offer a discount!

3. Ate at the wonderful Cheesecake Factory with my younger brother and his wife, then people-watched at the mall. (My hubby and I did. My brother and his wife were normal and actually shopped.) The entertainment factor was high.

4. Helped my hubby move to an office. Which means I can play my music at home as loud as I want. Or I could if I hadn't busted my speakers.

5. Begged my hubby to pull up the garden, because the crackly bean plants and rotting tomatoes were so embarrassing.

6. Met the lovely author Rachel Hauck for lunch, although not on the day I posted about it on my blog. Oops.

7. Walked to the beach to write, but it was so hot and crowded that I scribbled one sentence before walking back home.

8. Worked on my non-fiction reading list. Almost done with one right now, and just saying that makes me feel so intellectual.

9. Joined a new writing blog. There's a new post up today, so check it out here. I'll be posting my first contribution on the 12th. And it's already written. Aren't you surprised? :-)

10. Started to clean out my email inbox. Got through maybe twenty emails and quit. But I'll do it before I hit 6000, I promise. Maybe.

11. Made strawberry lemonade for the first time. Easy recipe--10 oz frozen strawberries pureed, maybe a few kept whole to use for ice cubes. A tube of lemonade concentrate, thawed. Mix together with 4-1/2 cups of water (or more, to taste), maybe add a little sugar to the strawberries, and wa-la. Little tart, but pretty good.

So what about you? What have you been doing this summer?

1 comment:

Lisa Jordan said...

Lovely summer days. So far