
One Year Alone With God

I've read the devotional My Utmost For His Highest quite a bit. Dabbled in a few others. Admired the covers of even more. :-) But I'm so excited about the devotional book I've chosen to read this year! One Year Alone With God was written by my friend Ava Pennington. This lovely lady is in my local writers' group. She's a talented Bible study teacher, has been published in a million Chicken Soup books, or so it seems, and her debut book was endorsed by best-selling author Kay Arthur. She also has a co-authored children's series coming out this year! This is one busy and hard-working writer.

One Year Alone With God was published by Revell. It's a study on the names of God, but not just a series of definitions. Ava spends three days on each name, showing it means and how that attribute relates to us and our relationship with others. What I read of it in writers' group was thought-provoking, and I'm so looking forward to reading it in full this year.

What's your favorite devotional? What are you reading this year?

1 comment:

Catherine West said...

I haven't found anything to really sink my teeth into this year, yet. I love Beth Moore. I also have some other books gathering dust on the shelves that I really should pick up. SIgh. Thanks for the wake-up call, I think I need to shake off my spiritual laziness and get with the program!