
The Critic's Take

This just in...The dreaded yet much-anticipated day has come. My husband finished reading my book. :-) He's been reading it on the sly when I'm not at home, and Saturday he finished. I didn't believe him. I quizzed him on a scene I knew I hadn't talked about before. He got it right, and gave me more details. Still didn't believe him, but it's true.

Jason read Double Take. All the way through.

He doesn't read romance. He doesn't read fiction, period. If he's going to take the time to read a book, it's going to be something he learns from - about leadership, computers, marketing, and God. But he promised that when one of my stories made it to actual book format, he'd read it.

Well, Double Take has a couple computers in it. I'm trying to do some marketing to sell the book. And it's got God. So... ;-) It must have had enough of something in it, anyway, because he finished it.

His comments: "I got a little frustrated at you because I couldn't find a good spot to put it down. Things kept happening." "There were times when I forgot I was reading something written by my wife." And, from his Twitter account, "I am impressed!!"

I still don't think he's going to make a habit of reading romantic suspense. In fact, he took it to work one day to read on his break, but ended up hiding it. lol. So his masculinity is still secure. But my most feared critic did read my book and he didn't hate it. He still loves me. And I didn't even know he was reading it. Gotta love the guy. :-)


JM Palacios said...

You should slap him for hiding your book, though. Forget masculinity, you're his wife! :-) And tell him to fix your website. I could only read half your article on Safari on my iPod Touch. The top half of the page was all black.

Faith said...

You guys have such an awesome relationship!

Catherine West said...

You mean there might be hope for Stephen??!!
Way to go, Jason!!