
Stayin' Alive

In April, my husband got this brilliant idea to plant a garden. I don't know why, because our houseplants are hanging on by a tiny thread. But the weather was gorgeous, so we decided it might be fun. Maybe.

So we bought wood and soil and tomato cages and plants (no seeds for us!) and fertilizer and sprinklers. We built a raised bed with a mini irrigation system, sort of. And we planted...stuff. And then we watched them...closely.

Here's the garden status, about one month later:

1. Our strawberries were cute, but when I went out to get the couple ripe ones to garnish some chocolate pudding...they were gone. Along with all the unripe ones, too. The jury is still out on whether a mouse or squirrel or maybe a neighbor ate them. The plants are still growing, though, so maybe there's a chance we'll get a few more.

The Culprit?

2. Three different kinds of tomato plants. All three are doing pretty well, especially the Roma tomatoes. Most of them are still green, but we did pick one midget roma--just enough to garnish some fajitas! We hope the little thief doesn't beat us to the rest of them.

3. The beans are growing nicely. Which is kind of a shame because, believe it or not, I don't like fresh green beans. No matter how long you cook them. Wrong, I know.

4. The acorn squash = dead.

5. The bell pepper = dead.

6. The green pepper = dead.

7. But the cilantro is thriving, and has been used for garnishes, etc. Very nice. The thief apparently is not a fan of Mexican food, so my herbs are safe!

I think we're going to try a fall garden, too. What should we plant then?

1 comment:

Holly said...

You make me laugh aloud... Daniel's on an acorn squash kick, too. Something about childhood memories. I thought it was gross. Good luck with the 'maters! Maybe you can have a 'mater samich!